Back pain in young adults

Half of all adults aged 18-35 now experience back pain. The cost to society is around £12.3 billion a year. As Acting CEO of BackCare I fronted new research for the ‘Can You Feel My Pain?‘ campaign linking it to…
Back pain in children is on the rise, mostly because we still require them to carry around 20% of their bodyweight to and from school every day
Half of all adults aged 18-35 now experience back pain. The cost to society is around £12.3 billion a year. As Acting CEO of BackCare I fronted new research for the ‘Can You Feel My Pain?‘ campaign linking it to…
Rucksacks loaded with school books have been linked to higher levels of back pain in a study of Spanish school children. The findings, reported in Archives of Disease in Childhood, said many pupils had “excessively loaded” backpacks. This was linked…
One of the highlights of my time at the Design Council was producing the 360 degree flexible classroom as the centrepiece of the Schools Renaissance campaign. This is what the Observer made of it. “Inside a dingy-looking prefab hut near…
Did you know that children carry around 20% of their bodyweight to and from school? Or that children are exempted from Health and Safety Executive covering the design of the furniture that they use? As a result, we are presently…
As it’s revealed many youngsters haul half their body weight… Is your child’s school bag harming their spine? By Louise Atkinson PUBLISHED: 02:59, 15 May 2012 | UPDATED: 10:09, 15 May 2012 1st 4lb: Rachel Purvis, ten, is carrying 28…
As Chair of the charity Pain UK, and as a former trustee and (interim) CEO of the national charity BackCare, I have spent many years campaiging to improve children’s physical wellbeing at school. I wrote this article for Century 21 Schools…